Worship and Media Center

“Digital Media has altered the way non-christian young people think, live, and build relationships, we see the emergence of non-traditional values and culture as an impact of the media.”

Rick McEdward, president of MENAUM

Student Transformation

Middle East University’s vision is, by God’s presence and power, to facilitate the transformation of students into men and women who are distinguished by their personal, professional, service-oriented and faith-based lives. This is the vision that prepares local workers and lay members for leadership for God’s work in the MENA region. 

Institutional Transformation

This vision calls MEU into an institutional-level transformation that impacts every level of campus life, one so pervasive that it fundamentally changes the future trajectory of the University and opens broader missional opportunities.

This calls us to address our campus of three main 70-year-old buildings and reorient MEU’s physical environment with the significant capital improvement of a worship/media center.

MENA Trans-Media Group

The proposed Worship and Media Center will house MENA Trans-Media Group, transformational media mediation of mission outreach for MENA Union. As a recently formed collaborative, the Media Group coordinates video, audio, and print media that is developed for the MENA region. With a primary goal to reach the non-Christian younger generation, the Media Group produces content in the region’s three main languages: Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. YouTube video series, online Bible studies, radio podcasts, and books provide coordinated, multi-leveled pathways for seekers to progress in their search for God.

A constant flow of productions posted on social media and YouTube invite the 15 to 35-year-old target audience to find more information at online sites where follow-up mentors offer additional series, conversational Bible studies, and eventually are able to introduce seekers to a home group, a house church, or a local congregation where they can experience the fellowship of other Christians. 

MEU Is At A Faith Crossroads

The enormity of the projects, the missional calling we hear, and the support such projects require remind us that the possibilities ahead are something only God fully sees, intends, and empowers.

In dependence and humility, we make ourselves available to Him. We invite you to join us to claim His promise to be with us as He was with those who first invested in Middle East College/Middle East University.

MEU Is At An Inflection Point

The enormity of the projects, the missional calling we hear, and the support such projects require remind us that the possibilities ahead are something only God fully sees, intends, and empowers.

In dependence and humility, we make ourselves available to Him. We invite you to join us to claim His promise to be with us as He was with those who first invested in Middle East College/Middle East University.

Campus Map

Transformational Gifts

This vision invites transformational gifts from those who share this vision, gifts that are substantial enough to make a fundamental difference in fulfilling MEU’s strategic role in the mission of God in the MENA region. It also invites the larger world Church to continue and expand the conversation on MEU’s strategic role in mission to the 10/40 window.

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